Installation view of Paradeisos at Galerie Nicolas Robert with Bed of Nails (2020-).

Galerie Nicolas Robert

Montreal QC, Canada
July 9 – September 3, 2022

"What is paradise, but, a garden, an orchard of trees and herbs, full of pleasure and nothing there but delights." - William Lawson. 

Galerie Nicolas Robert is proud to present Paradeisos, a summer exhibition featuring works by Vikky Alexander, Pierre Dorion, James Gardner, Laura Hudspith, Emmanuel Osahor, Alexandre Pépin, and Emma Welch, all gathered around a theme of ‘garden.’

Bed of Nails (2020-) Stripped mattress form, aloe vera juices, pigment, resin, wire. Dimensions variable
First begun in 2020, Bed of Nails is a durational/ongoing sculpture and social practice formed through knowledge-sharing collaborations with practitioners of alternative medicines. Each casting of an aloe vera plant is unique and represents a relationship built with a local healer. As such, the work has no fixed date of completion and is documented on an ongoing basis as new connections are made and the surface of the bed of nails slowly fills over the course of the artist’s lifetime. 

©Laura Hudspith