Installation view of Enduring Emanations at Mrs. with Strata and Lymph.
Strata: Emanation VI (2023) Stained glass, solder, steel wall mounts. 14 1⁄4 x 14 1⁄4 x 4 1⁄2 inches. Lymph: Emanation I (2023) Stained glass, solder, three steel wall mounts. 10 1⁄4 x 10 1⁄4 x 4 1⁄2 inches
Enduring Emanations
Solo exhibtion, Mrs.
Maspeth NY, USA
May 3 - June 29, 2024
In this series titled Emanations, Hudspith’s research and interests in medicine, biochemistry, in/organic matter, and geology converge. Using her body and its illness as source material, this series encourages introspection on a molecular scale to consider the potential and bounds of ontology.
Five circular stained-glass forms visualize and reference geological and biological bodies. Fissure: Emanation V, depicted in fleshy pink tones, reveals a dramatic crack in the delicate glass bringing to mind a monumental crevasse or tectonic fault. At identical scale, Wound: Emanation IV formally mirrors fissure, seeming to link the macrocosm of earthly forms with the microcosm of teared bodily tissue; the interior world mimics that of the exterior. Each ‘emanation’ acts as a porthole into both grand and molecular bodies – each alive with a dedicated macro/microbiome. Emerging from these two anchoring works, Hudspith intimately details colorful microanatomical illustrations of a breast and lymph node. One can easily find oneself lost in the intricate biological minutiae; Strata: Emanation VI encourages reorientation to consider the vastness of larger mineral bodies.
While each work is seemingly confined to the bounds of the bold circular soldering, they actively compliment and converse with one another through form. The artist’s use of material speaks to her examination of part to whole: small colorful and patterned panes are joined to create intimate scientific studies. Glass and the transformative process that its creation demands demonstrates the kinds of scientific possibilities that fascinate Hudspith. Together, the emanations propose viewers to consider the boundaries of their own materiality in a world made up of matter.
Individual work above:
- Lymph: Emanation I (2023) Stained glass, solder, three steel wall mounts. 10 1⁄4 x 10 1⁄4 x 4 1⁄2 inches
Individual works below:
- Strata: Emanation VI (2023) Stained glass, solder, three steel wall mounts. 14 1⁄4 x 14 1⁄4 x 4 1⁄2 inches
Breast: Emanation III (2023) Stained glass, solder, three steel wall mounts. 14 1⁄4 x 14 1⁄4 x 4 1⁄2 inches
- Wound: Emanation IV (2023) Stained glass, solder, four steel wall mounts. 16 1⁄4 x 16 1⁄4 x 4 1⁄2 inches
- Fissure: Emanation V (2023) Stained glass, solder, four steel wall mounts. 16 1⁄4 x 16 1⁄4 x 4 1⁄2 inches
Other works from the Emanations series:
Ovary: Emanation II (2023) Stained glass, solder, three steel wall mounts. 12 1⁄4 x 12 1⁄4 x 4 1⁄2 inches